Okay! I had to pull a photo up from the Archives!!! Is this not the cutest kid you've ever seen?!!! He's irresistible!!! This photo was taken 1 1/2 yrs ago... sigh! Reece talks all the time now... this little baby didn't have any words yet.

Oh darn, this one is tiny... but I just wanted to show you how much Christian and Reece delight in each other! Christian can't keep his hands off Reece- he loves to grab his belly, toes, and "hahms" (also known as his thighs). We call this guabbing. Yes, we have our own little silly family language that is nearly impossible to explain, however we find it endearing. When we were in Chile, they referred to babies as "guaguas" (pronounced wah-wahs). So we Anglicized the word and pronounced it Gwa-gwa. And then it evolved into a verb, known as guabbing. It's when you find your baby so irresistible that you have to run up and guab him! Pick him up, toss him around, let him ride on your back, squeeze his belly or legs, cuddle him, cradle him, kiss the brown sugar on his neck, etc. Or, if Reece is pretty tired, he will absentmindedly guab himself- like, while watching TV, he'll play with his own toes or rub his hand repeatedly on his toy elephant. That's guabbing.

Yes our little sweetie pie smiles all the time. Well, almost. He loves to help Mama and Dada on their computers. I'm sure he would squeal with delight if we ever allowed him to touch the buttons. Here, Reece is looking at a photo of himself on the internet. (I am on the design team for Creative Memories scrapbooking products, and I made a page with his picture on it! So I don't know if he realizes that maybe thousands of people have seen his picture online! go to
http://projectcenter.creativememories.com/photos/discover_construction_zon/boys-and-their-toys-scrapbook-layout-2.html and you can see it!

I just love this little picture of my guys. We enjoyed camping at Turner Falls, OK. All day before we left, Reece ran around saying, "Go camping! Go camping!" even though he didn't know what camping was. Also, when we told him about the waterfall, he kept asking desperately to see it- even though he didn't know what a waterfall was, either.
Christian and I both felt amazed, and blessed that this beautiful little man has such complete trust in us. He didn't know where we were going, and he didn't know where we were when we arrived, and yet he was just as content as he could be, trusting in Mama and Dada to take care of him. He loved taking walks in the woods; he loved the tent; he loved the sticks and the dirt; he loved the waterfall; he loved our poor excuse for S'mores (there was a fire ban at the campground...we made s'mores over hot coals). This little guy is just as delightful as possible. We are soooooooo in love with him!
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