Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Caught in the act!

I am awfully curious and will put my grubby little hands on anything within my reach. I do for the most part obey my parent's off-limits areas; however, sometimes, they leave certain doors open and I get to explore "uncharted territory."

In this particular photo, I had decided to help myself to Mom's drink by her bedside. After swiping it from the night table, I walked out of the bedroom and into the kitchen, dumping the drink into my mouth along the way (never mind that I don't know how to drink out of a regular cup). I didn't really care that most of the liquid was making its way onto my shirt and the carpet rather than my mouth...

I didn't, however, anticipate the effect of the spilling drink on the linoleum floor of the kitchen. Upon passing into the kitchen, I promptly slipped on the floor and landed on my back, banging my head on the ground. If you look closely, you can see the brown color of Mom's tea on the floor by my head. My bitter crying caught the attention of Daddy, who, upon discovering my pathetic state, added insult to injury by taking a picture of me before tending to my boo-boo!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.