Wednesday, May 28, 2008

I'm an American!

Mom and Dad finally got off their duffs and had me adopted (re-adopted? the adoption recognized?) here in the United States. Bright and early on April 30th, Mom and Dad rousted me out of my slumber and carted me down to the Ft. Worth courthouse for an 8 am appointment. A few repeat-after-me's, raisings-of-the-right-hands, and questions from some dude in a black robe, and it was done! Oh yeah, and the bailiff gave me a stuffed animal and took pictures of all of us. Not a bad deal, really...
After all of that, there was some business about social security something or another, so we headed a few blocks over to Taylor St. to take care of that. Then it was off to IHOP for a celebratory breakfast--a great morning, all in all!
(Post script from parents: turns out that our lawyer doesn't know whether this process officially makes him an American or not; she referred us to another lawyer or the INS website to find out about this. We did find out from the SSA that a TX birth certificate is enough proof for them to change their designation for Reece from "permanent alien" (or was it "resident?") to "US citizen.")


Margo said...

nice to see some action on the blog! we had that same judge and got a stuffed animal too! i think we have to apply for citizenship...deacon has as social security card, but not a passport yet. that costs like 400$...the law is tricky.

Jocelyn said...

Yay Reece!! You need to call us next time your in Tulsa so Pacey and you can play!!

Leah Reeves said...

Hi, we met at a DFW yahoo group get-together.