Sunday, February 10, 2008

I'm on a roll

Is this not the cutest baby you've ever seen in your entire life?!!!!! I could just gobble him up!
Yes, it's my first Christmas in America, and my first one as Reece Besufekade Gehman.
I love the stairs..I am learning how to climb them. I had a great time with my cousin Lief. He loved to grab my arm and take me around the house, showing me the ways of the world.
I really loved Pops' dog, Dori. But I think it was a case of unrequited love. Sigh...

Here are the Gehman family cousins, all under the tree! Reece didn't really "get" Christmas, not understanding that certain presents were for him. He just roamed around, looking inside everyone's bags and boxes, and was equally excited whether the present was for him or not.


Amy said...

oh so cute!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing the pics Ally! It looks like you and Christian are enjoying parenthood.

- Kevin (in Cali)

Don't Mess With Mommy said...

That child could not be more beautiful. I've been waiting for more pictures. Thanks for sharing!

Stacy said...


I know that you don't know me at all, but I don't have a lot of blogging friends and I have to tag six people. Don't feel bad if you don't want to do it!

The rules are, each player must post 6 facts/habits about themselves. At the end of the post, the player tags 6 people and posts their names, then goes to their blog and leaves them a comment letting them know they have been tagged and asking them to read your blog.

So you don't think I'm completely crazy, stop by my blog and read my #3, that should explain a lot!!! =)

It's so good to see you back too!!! You have the most adorable son.

Jana said...

Hey Miss Ally--

So funny you should mention it--I was just thinking after Sat. nite that we should get together with you guys sometime! :) We would love it.

Here is my email so we don't have to make plans in front of the world wide web. :0)

Thank you for the encouragment, too. Talk to you soon.

Susy Q said...

Oh my gosh, reece is ridiculously adorable!!

Drew Carey Show said...

Hi Ally,

Somehow I think I missed your comment on the blog union post. I can't remember if I have your email address. Email me at so I can make sure you're on the google group where we've been sharing the stats! So glad you guys are planning on coming!
